Do you regularly visit Nose Hill Park?
Do you frequently use a specific entrance?

If you do, please get in touch with us at: information@fonhs.org

We are looking for members to join our Entrance Keepers Project. We ask you to keep watch over your region of the park and report any problems to the Parks Department. These could be:- overflowing garbage, broken fencing, vandalism, thistle infestations. You are not expected to do any cleanup yourself, although we know that many members routinely pick up litter.

This Project has completely different objectives to the City's Adopt-a Park Program. You simply use your eyes and ears to protect the Park while maintaining your usual routine.

It is illegal to place any signs on City property. It is also illegal to remove them. If you notice inappropriate signs posted in the Park, contact the City Bylaw Department through 311. and request that the signs be removed.